Meet Your Therapist

Hello! My name is Logan and I am the face behind Breath Of Life Myo. I graduated from Indiana University Fort Wayne in 2013 with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene. After practicing Dental Hygiene for 12 years and many other life situations, I decided that I had a bigger purpose within my career path. I love working with my patients and getting to know and understand them and their goals. I love to educate and help my patients feel their best.  I just knew deep down that there was a missing piece in treatment for my patients and that I wanted more. In 2024, I decided to further my education and training as a Myofunctional Therapist.

Most importantly, I am a wife to my best friend and a mom to 3 amazing children. I love spending as much time as possible with them outside of work. We love to travel and go on as many adventures together as possible, big or small. My kids keep me busy with activities on and off throughout the year, which I absolutely enjoy! My family is one of the main reasons I started Breath of Life Myo. I knew there was a missing link in their healthcare and dental care, and I wanted to put those pieces back together and get them back on track.

From birth, my son has dealt with breathing, swallowing and dental concerns. I saw many providers who brushed it all off as nothing or who simply offered a band aid approach to treatment. While at the beginning, I didn’t know any better, I followed their guidance, and we went through the ringer for 5 plus years before I started to take matters into my own hands. I did research and found providers to consult with. At age 5, he finally started to get treatment for what he should have started at birth. Now, as we play catch up on his proper treatment plan, he is in fact enjoying a better quality of life and on his way to be sleep disordered breathing free, thanks to myofunctional therapy and providers who listened.

I want you all to have that same outcome, much sooner and with much less hoops to jump through!

Contact us today